Enid, Oklahoma Sunrise

Grab lunch or dinner at Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 41°. Increasing clouds today, with a high of 62. ENE wind 13 mph, with gusts to 24 mph. A 30% chance of showers after 1pm. Mostly cloudy tonight, with a low of 40. NE wind 10 mph.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Record Store Day! It's also Chinese Language Day, Doge Day, Husband Appreciation Day, Look Alike Day, Volunteer Recognition Day & Circus Day. Foodies and Drinkies enjoy Pineapple Upside-down Cake Day, Lima Bean Respect Day, Cheddar Fries Day & Cold Brew Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:51am ~ SUNSET: 8:10pm


BUZZCAST: Good morning BuzzHeads, we're starting off at 40°. Mostly sunny today, with a high of 63. N wind 8 mph. Mostly clear tonight, with a low of 39. ENE wind at 7 mph becoming S after midnight.
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HOLIDAYS: Happy Creativity and Innovation Day! It's also Big Word Day, Bulldogs are Beautiful Day, Go Fly a Kite Day, Keep Off the Grass Day, Kindergarten Day, Rendering Day, Yellow Bat Day, San Jacinto Day, Thank You for Libraries Day & Tuna Rights Day. Foodies enjoy Chickpea Day & Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day.
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SUNRISE: 6:49am ~ SUNSET: 8:11pm


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