New Movie Theater & Trampoline Park Get Incentives

ENID, OK - The Enid City Commission met in an executive session Tuesday, June 2, 2020 to discuss the recommendation to approve an incentive package with Apex Cinema for the development of a theater and trampoline park complex.
The City Commission voted unanimously in favor of the recommended incentive package from the Enid Regional Development Alliance (ERDA).
The proposed 42,000 sq. ft. theater will include 8-10 digital movie screens, reclining seats, expanded food options, and a 20,000 sq. ft. Big Air Trampoline Park. The incentive for the $14.5 million project will include the donation of 7.5 acres for development and a $3.5 million sales tax rebate that would be paid over 15 years.
Mayor George Pankonin said, “The Commission is thrilled to accomplish this milestone of approving the general incentive terms with Apex Cinema LLC to build and operate a new 8-10 screen movie theater and Big Air trampoline park in The District located at Cleveland and Garriott! This goal has been a long-term priority for the City. I want to thank Felix Waller and Apex, City staff, ERDA, Rickey Hayes, Hammer-Williams, and Nicholas Realty for the team effort to make this new entertainment venue a reality.”


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