Grab lunch or dinner at Napoli's Italian Restaurant
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BUZZCAST: 14° this morning. A 50% chance of snow showers. Cloudy today, with a high of 24. SSE wind 9 mph becoming NNW in the afternoon. Cloudy during the early evening, gradual clearing, with a low of 7. N wind 8 mph becoming light and variable after midnight. A 30% chance of snow showers before midnight.
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HOLIDAYS: Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Inauguration Day. It's also Blue Monday, Camcorder Day, Elementary School Teacher Day, International Day of Acceptance, Day of Service, Disc Jockey Day, Penguin Awareness Day & Take a Walk Outdoors Day. Foodies and Drinkies enjoy Buttercrunch Day, Cheese Lovers Day & Coffee Break Day.
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SUNRISE: 7:40am ~ SUNSET: 5:45pm

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