EPS Board Votes To Follow State Guidelines

ENID, OK - Oklahoma State Board of Education agreed to provide guidelines, not requirements for districts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Enid Public School Board voted unanimously to follow the guidelines set by the State.
The state guidelines include recommendations for instruction, health protocols, masks, visitors, and activities. The state uses a color coded system that assigns levels based on the cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 in the county.
Green Level: <1.43 cases per 100,000 cases in the county
Yellow Level: 1.43- 14.39 cases per 100,000 cases in the county
Orange Level 1: 14.39 -25 cases per 100,000 cases in the county
Orange Level 2: 25-50 cases per 100,000 cases in the county
Red Level: >50 cases per 100,000 cases in the county
Under the state plan, the following recommendations were given for each level:
Green Level
In-person instruction is recommended for school districts. Even though the number of COVID-19 cases are low in this category, masks are strongly recommended for staff and students. Officials recommend that schools should limit visitors. At this point, activities would be allowed to continue with caution.
Yellow Level
Schools are still expected to offer in-person instruction, but masks would be strongly recommended for teachers, staff, and students between the fourth and 12th grade. Also, masks would be strongly recommended for PreK through third graders in common areas, but not in class. Visitors are strongly recommended to be limited. This level recommends limiting gatherings, assemblies, and events.
Orange Level 1:
Schools are recommended to use alternative schedules in order to allow for greater social distancing or implement distance learning. In-person learning should continue for special education students and others who are unable to be served by distance learning. Personnel continues working on campus as assigned. Masks are strongly recommended for students, teachers, and staff with exceptions for meals, naptime, recess, and PE if distancing is possible or if a mask is unsafe. Visitors are still strongly recommended to be limited, and buildings cannot be used for extracurricular activities where social distancing is not possible.
Orange Level 2:
Distance learning is strongly recommended for schools in the area for most students. In-person learning should continue for special education students and others who are unable to be served by distance learning. School personnel should continue to work on campus as assigned. Masks are strongly recommended for all students, staff, and teachers. Visitors are strongly recommended to be restricted, and buildings should not be used for extracurricular activities or public gatherings.
Red Level:
Schools are strongly recommended to use distance learning for most students. In-person learning should continue for special education students and others who are unable to be served by distance learning. School personnel should continue working on campus as assigned. Masks are strongly recommended for all students, staff, and teachers. Visitors are strongly recommended to be restricted, and buildings should not be used for activities.
Two logo cloth masks have been purchased for each teacher and student in the Enid Public School district. Bus riders and drivers are required to wear a mask.
EPS is asking parents to take their child's temperature each morning before school since temperatures will not be mandated at school. Children with a temperature should not be sent to school.


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