Car Tip } Can You See Driving At Night?

Brought To You By Northcutt Value Auto Mart

With the development and implementation of plastics instead of glass for vehicle headlight assemblies, the problem of nighttime visibility has increased.  The primary problem is, over time, the outside plastic coating of the headlight assembly oxidizes.  This oxidation causes the headlight to have a “white-ish”, hazy appearance.
One would think this only creates a cosmetic issue in regards to the looks of the vehicle.  But it DEFINITELY creates a safety hazard for an operator’s ability to see while driving in the dark!  Actually, this is something this author believes the State of Oklahoma could have had the ability to monitor except for the discontinuance of annual vehicle safety inspections (another rant for another day…).
So, what can be done when a headlight has oxidized to the point that the light beam inside the assembly reflects off the inside of the lense instead of projecting down the road as intended?  Obviously, one option is to just replace the assembly.  My recommendation is to, if you choose this option, replace both sides at the same time.  Replacement assemblies have become plentiful and relatively CHEAP!
One could obtain replacements from the local dealer’s parts department.  These will be an EXACT replacement and fit, but will generally be more expensive too!  The dealer can also offer assembly replacement (for a nominal fee), which is handy for those who are less mechanically inclined.  You see, many times on more recent models, headlight BULB replacement is only accomplished through the removal of the front bumper cover!!!
Another source for headlight replacement assemblies is online suppliers.  Look at Amazon!  There are a multitude of resources available at VERY good prices, often with FREE shipping.  Beware when placing your order!  MOST suppliers sell these assemblies in pairs at VERY good prices, but some are listed individually!!!  With Amazon too, if you enter your vehicle make and model year, Amazon will automatically tell you whether or not the parts you’ve chosen will fit your particular vehicle.  As far as physical replacement…  check each distributor to see if they offer installation instruction PRIOR to placing your order.  Many times, there are online video’s available showing how to install these assemblies.
Another remedy for oxidized headlights, is “refurbishing” the existing assemblies.  There are MANY methods available (GOOGLE this), but the truly BEST solution I’ve found to dated is the 3M Headlight Restoration System (Part #39008). The kit sells for $19.95 - $25.99 at local parts supply stores.  This system allows you to sand, refine, and polish your headlights with use of a household drill.  The only thing NOT included is the synthetic wax protectant recommended after you use this kit.  (I’m not sure why they wouldn’t include a packet of this in their kit, but they don’t!)
If you decide to use this kit, I HIGHLY recommend that you also invest in a roll of automotive masking tape (NOT DUCT TAPE!!!).  Be sure to take plenty of time to tape-off the painted surfaces of the vehicle that surround the headlight assembly prior to beginning the reconditioning process.  This will help in preventing damage to those painted surfaces during the process.
Many mechanic shops are now offering to restore the finish on clouded headlights.  Be sure to ask for references and physically go look at a set of lights they have restored to see if the job looks neat and clean, and see if the surfaces have “yellowed”.  That is a sign of using a method which involves applying an acrylic “sealer” to the sanded headlight.  Most often, it takes GREAT skill to do this, and most shops apply too thick of a coat of sealer, causing it to yellow!
CAUTION…  with GM products, it is MUCH easier to replace the assembly rather than expend the time (and headache) involved in attempting to refinish the headlight surface.  There’s something about them (maybe too thick a finish at time of manufacture) that makes them almost impossible to refinish.
Whatever you do, PLEASE take the time to inspect the condition of your headlight lenses.  Those who are tasked with driving in your vicinity during nighttime hours will appreciate it!!!
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Car Care Tips Sponsored By Northcutt Value Auto Mart
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